No one with cancer needs
to be alone.
We are the Martha's Vineyard Cancer Support Group, a group for cancer patients, survivors, their families, friends, and caregivers. If you are here, you are in the right place.
Weekly Support Group Meetings, Wednesdays @ 5 pm
The Martha's Vineyard Cancer Support Group hosts Zoom meetings every Wednesday at 5 pm. Participation is voluntary and everyone that plans to attend will get an invite via email. All meetings are moderated and confidential. Interested participants should send their email address to mvcancersgroup@gmail.com.
Living with a serious disease is difficult.
A diagnosis of cancer is a shock that no one handles easily.
Cancer patients and those who care about them face major problems and challenges, financially and emotionally.
That's why the M.V. Cancer Support Group was created, and since 1986 we've been proudly providing support, information and resources to Martha's Vineyard cancer patients and their families.